Motocross Rider - Safety Gears.

Motocross Rider Safety Gears brands

Motocross riders even if they think that they are expert must use the safety gears while they are riding their motocross bikes in fields or tracks. It doesn't mean you can train without these safety gears. You don't know what is waiting for you at the next corner on the track. Or may be a stupid rider may crash in to you. Those who want to take up motocross for fun or serious too must consider wearing these gadgets. Even if they are costly and heavy funds are needed from you. Your life is very important. So think twice before you take up this sport. Check with your local Insurance Company for insuring you and your bike. Normally the premium will be high for motocross racing and exploring in the wild trails. But it is worth to have one for you and your machine. Motocross or Dirt bike riders must take much care on their safety and their health. Lot of people had lost their lives or staying in their homes paralyzed due to motocross riding. Don't think that this protective gear for dirt bikes may be expensive. If you can't afford them don't take part in the sport as there is always lot of risks is waiting for the rider.

Never get on a motorcycle with proper dress and safety gears when you are going on adventure or on fun rides. Your safety and health is important to your family.
USA, EU, Australia and Japanese racing gears and accessories are expensive but are worth for the money you pay for them.

2025 FXR and MX gears are introduced by the following companies for the riders.Around 56 new gearsets, in many styles with 12 colorways. Also 2 colorways of the Kids Racer gear for the little racers.
Vital MX
Thor MX
MX 24

Sri Lanka Suit Price around Rs 40,000/-

  1. Shirt or Top.
    Motocross Rider Safety Shirt or Top
  2. Gloves for Dirt Bike riders
    Motocross Rider Safety Gloves for Dirt Bike riders
  3. Pants
    Motocross Rider Safety Pants
  4. Padding - Knee / Chin Guards
    Motocross Rider Safety Padding - Knee / Chin Guards
  1. Goggles
    Motocross Rider Safety Goggles
  2. Helmet
    Motocross Rider Safety Helmet
  3. Instinct Boots
    Motocross Rider Safety Instinct Boots
  4. Kidney Belt
    Motocross Rider Safety Kidney Belt
  1. Tear Offs for Goggles.
    Motocross Rider Safety Tear Offs for Goggles
  2. Back Protector
    Motocross Rider Safety Back Protector
  3. Dirt Bike Elbow & Wrist Guards.
    Motocross Rider Safety Dirt Bike Elbow & Wrist Guards

We Found These Videos in YouTube. (We don't have connection with them or not promoting them.)

  • Pants, Jersey, Glove Combos
  • Pants
  • Jerseys
  • Helmets and Accessories
  • Boots and Accessories
  • Goggles and Accessories
  • Jackets

Motocross Rider Basic Training.
